What’s New in Swift 5.7, WWDC 22

Enes Buğra Yenidünya
1 min readJul 14, 2022

Great new features await us with Swift 5.7. Here is a list of all the improvements and changes to Swift announced during WWDC22.

Great new features await us with Swift 5.7. Some are enhancements to Swift, while others are enhancements and improvements to make it easier for us to write code.

In this article, we will examine the innovations that come with Swift 5.7 with examples.

Clock, Instant and Duration

Swift announces the innovations it offers to make time and duration management more stable in the SE-0329 section.


Clocks represent a way of measuring time passing. There are two built in: the continuous clock keeps incrementing time even when the system is asleep, and the suspending clock does not.


  • Measuring device time
  • Delays for animations


  • Measuring human time
  • Delays by an absolute duration


Instants represent an exact moment in time. Instants are there to be used to compare moments.


Duration can be used to represent the time elapsed between two Instant.

The original article is on AppCircle.io’s blog. Click here to read more.

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Enes Buğra Yenidünya

iOS Engineer — Freelancer #iOS #swift #mobileappdevelopment #software #apple